FIE Swordplay is the first mobile game with real athletic rules for fencing with foils, swords, and sabers that is officially supported by the FIE ( Learn real techniques — from simple thrusts to powerful lunges and devious feints. Play against an AI opponent or challenge a social network friend to a duel.
Choose the country you want to represent, equip your fencer, and enter tournaments all over the world. Fight your way from ambitious novice to fencing master.
一款手机上的击剑游戏,击剑很优美的,是一项非常具有观赏性的运动。 真实击剑游戏介绍 游戏需要我们扮演一位击剑运动员,通过不断的击败对手来提升自己的知名度从而登上更高等级的比赛。击剑运动衍生于欧洲古老的剑术搏击,在现在的正式比赛中,分为花剑、重剑、佩剑三大类。因为剑身很细的关系,击剑的比赛都很优美,是一项非常具有观赏性的运动。真实击剑游戏特色 1、真实的技巧,在现实中可以找到出处。2、华丽的画面,剑
FIE Swordplay